Shri Kainkaryam
Kriya Trust
Conducting the Upanayanam to promote the Brahmana dharma and loka KshEmam
About Us
Promoting Vedic Education in Modern Times
It was in the year 2020 when most parts of the world was fighting the biological war, affecting basic livelihoods of many common people. It was during these times a group of like minded AstikAs provided support for essential amenities like food, medicines for needy, etc for Vedic Scholars and kovil bhattars
In mid 2021, few deserving and needy Brahmanas through known sources approached for performing Upanayanam samskaram for their son.
We Kainkaryam the Best Trust Policy
Learning Center
Samaveda Sandhyavandanam
Digital Assistant to enable perform Trikaala Sandhyavandanam
Yajurveda Sandhyavandanam
Digital Assistant to enable perform Trikaala Sandhyavandanam
We Kainkaryam the Best
Trust Policy
You Can Help Lots of
People by Donating Little
Contributions are used towards any of the trust activities below
Samasti Upanayanam
Vedic Education
Monthly Donation
Help us plan for the future with a steady, monthly contribution